MGI er en internasjonal gruppe av revisjons- og regnskapsbedrifter etablert i 1947. Organisasjonen har 6.500 medlemmer fordelt på 200 kontorer i 70 land hvor Skandinavia representerer en sterk enhet. Hovedkontoret er i London. MGI Regnskap AS er et selvstendig medlem av denne organisasjonen. Vi har sterke relasjoner i dette samarbeidet, og kan formidle regnskapstjenester på tvers av landegrensene.

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MGI is one of the largest associations of independent auditing, accounting and consulting firms in the world.   Thinking big and acting locally has been key to this success, where members tailor their specialities to their own local market, in the knowledge that when they want to interact globally they have immediate access to the very latest information on worldwide business practices, developments and opportunities. Established in 1947, MGI has built its reputation on expertise and professionalism and has created strict guidelines and conducts regular reviews of all members to ensure the very highest professional standards and operational competence – just one of the reasons why MGI is recognised the world over as a symbol of building valued business relationships.